Photo of Daley, a white femme with shoulder length blonde hair, wearing a pink  shirt, smiling in front of a tree that has been burned by lightning

Photo of Daley, a white non-binary person with shoulder length blonde hair, wearing a pink shirt, smiling in front of a tree that has been burned by lightning

a little about me

I am a white disabled non-binary straight-sized middle-class survivor offering accessible, anti-oppression informed supports for individuals, groups and organizations seeking to reduce suffering while creating more meaningful, engaged, and liberatory futures.

Why fireseed?

FireSeed centres the power of who we become as we survive personal and structural violence. It asks "what blooms after the fire" with the intention of supporting agency and autonomy to define what those fires mean to us and how we want to engage, heal and transform them.

I do not believe that everything happens for a reason. Rather, I believe that everyone has the right to determine the influence of their experiences on themselves, their relationships, and the communities and futures they are building.