What I offer:

Coaching to help you push back against a keep-up culture before it pushes you out. Ableist pressure to disregard, down-play, and deny your own limitations is especially hard on people who manage their own or a family member’s fluid health concerns.

I specialize in creative, values-centered strategies for coping with ableism and transitions related to disability, aging, illness, pregnancy, and care-giving. I also support all folks who want to connect with their authentic ambition and disconnect from their imposter syndrome.

Keep-up culture breeds ableism and impostor syndrome, and chokes ambition. It says if you’re not keeping up with its arbitrary pace, you’re failing. It tells you that you should overcome its systemic barriers. The shame it causes does damage to your sense of self, your worth, your loved ones, your work, and creative projects.

Because keep-up culture thrives on silence, fear of failing, and insists productivity equals worth, I’ll do my best to help you feel heard by me (and yourself); failure will be an option; and sometimes doing nothing will be the choice you deserve. There will also be chit-chat about snacks.

My having been an HIV-test counselor, women’s health educator, and fundraiser comes from a deep and abiding love of asking people nosy, personal questions.

As a coach, I am:

I'm your witness when you’re ready to say the unspeakable.

Saying the unspeakable is WILD when it's about owning who you are. Especially when who you are is someone who’s vulnerable because of ableism, which is inevitably entwined with other forms of oppression like White supremacy, ageism, gender inequity, and others.

I sit with you when you need a quiet space to simply be. I'm here to tell you that doing nothing is an option.

I come to play:

I take a relaxed approach. You play with ideas, explore, and rest without judgment. I make a safe and welcoming re-creational environment. We both use humor, imagination, and empathy.

I want coaching with me to feel more like recess than work.

In Session We:

Maybe we'll talk as you take me through your inner landscape. Maybe, if talking isn't your thing, we’ll write letters to each other instead.

If too much hard reality is holding you back, maybe we'll write to each other as make-believe characters. My attitude is, More play and less work makes life full of joy.

I’m your sidekick:

I’ll have your back when you trek into the emotional landscape of ableism that makes for such surprising and sometimes harsh terrain. I’ll challenge you – with your consent – to figure out ways of coping with the ableism that’s popping up to block progress in your life.

If you are interested in working together, book a free intro session with me.