My Core Values

My work with individuals and in community is guided by a set of core values. It is my goal to work in alignment with these values and always be learning new and better ways to put them into practice. 


I believe the way our world improves is through connection, not isolation. My work centres facilitating connections across difference be it internal, interpersonal, community or societal.


I believe compassion, for ourselves and for others, allows for vulnerability and connection that actively works towards an engaged, aligned and accountable life.


I actively seek reciprocal relationships. I am always learning and growing from my connections with others and consistently benefiting from the openness, bravery, and tenacity of those who share their lives with me. 


Our current system targets certain groups of people based on social categories including class, race, gender, ability, sexuality, and citizenship. These inequalities are embedded in and maintained by ideologies, institutions and social systems. I understand that in order to support individuals, I must always also be working to change the oppressive systems that harm them.


All people need certain things in order to live meaningful lives. Some of these needs are acknowledged and supported by the larger systems and some, the needs of marginalized communities, are not. As such, our worlds are more accessible to people with power and privilege than those without. Knowing this, I am deeply committed to engaging with needs and wants ignored by dominant systems and creating spaces where more of these needs can be met more of the time.